"How to use the blog" info

To Create A Post:

*First, you need to sign in...click the "Sign In" area on the top right hand side of the blog home page. Sign in with your Google Account details.
*Then, click the "New Post" tab
*A screen will open with a blank box - start typing your post! Remember to include a title for your post in the Title Box on the top right hand side of the screen! You can use the toolbar across the top of the page to change the font, bold or italicise your text etc.

            Add a picture by clicking on the little picture icon on the toolbar (when you hover the mouse over it, it says "insert image")
            Click on 'Choose File' then browse until you find the image/s you want. You can upload multiple images by highlighting onbe picture, then holdiong down the "Ctrl" key and highlighting any others you want to add - keeping the 'Ctrl' key depressed until all the images you want to upload are highlighted.
            Add a Link to another website or blog by highlighting the text that relates to your link (like this) and clicking on the blue 'Link' icon on the toolbar, while the word/s are highlighted.  A screen will come up with a space for you to type in the web address you want to link to. This might be something you want to do if you're sharing info about a particular artists or retailer or supply or project and want to direct our attention to that person, place or thing.

            Publish your post by clicking on the orange "Publish" button in the centre top of the screen - if you want to see how it looks first (which can be a good idea!) hit the 'Preview' button first - this will open the blog in a new window, and you can check out how it all looks, and swap back to the composing page to change anything before you publish your post.

            Have fun and enjoy the blog!

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